Remote Test Unit (RTU)
Base unit of RFTS
Remote Test Unit (RTU) is a part of Remote Fiber Test System (RFTS) – a solution for monitoring any type of optical fiber infrastructure, including core, metro, access, FTTx and PON networks. It is a modular unit for flexibility, easy deployment and maintenance.
Optical switch
- MEMS technology
- 1 in
- 16 out
- SC/APC connectors
- Wavelength range: 1260 – 1650 nm
- Calibrated wavelengths: 1550 and 1650 nm
- Insertion loss: max 2.5 dB
- Switch time: 20 ms
- Switching cycles: not less 109
- Optical power: max 500 mW
- WDM filter (optional)
- SFP slot
- 3 V, 2 W
- SFP slot
- 3 V, 2 W
- Modular design
- 1 RU
- AC (with external PSU) or DC
- Fanless